String music was the topic of the ‘Musical Palace’ Festival at Palace Štatenberg in Makole. Local enthusiasts came up with the idea of the Festival 10 months prior to the event. Zhanna was invited to contribute and exhibit with her art that would give a visual component to the music of the string orchestra.

After ten months of work, she created a series of five abstract paintings. “Music and Soul”. “Dance and Love”. “Silence and Sound”. “Light of the Music”. “The Universe as the Conductor of our Life.” – these are the topics of the works within the series that was debuted to the public on October the 4th, 2019 at Palace Štatenberg. The festival was well attended, and people loved Zhanna`s art.

“Till the very last moment, I was doubting if I should present my works publicly. It`s like disclosing a piece of your soul: you never know, if people will understand you.

I was deeply impressed by the reaction; everybody loved the series! I believe I never received so many compliments about my work.

I was so happy to share such a moment with my family and friends” – she said after the premiere. One painting was sold on the spot, whilst Zhanna presented another to the local museum in memory of such a pleasant exhibition.

Other works of the series are available in our virtual gallery